A Bittersweet Goodbye

About Blog Post February 2, 2024 Chrissy Holbrook headshot of post author Chrissy Holbrook
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After nearly two years at the library, it is now my time to move on. I have experienced tremendous personal growth and learning during my tenure, thanks to the library. I discovered that coworkers can indeed become like family, that working in a library is hard work, and that I genuinely love reading. I also gained insights into the importance of communication and time management. Above all, my love for this community and the joy derived from helping its members have been the most fulfilling aspects of my role. The library has provided me with a platform to connect with people, offer assistance, and contribute to the betterment of the community—an experience that I will carry with me into the next chapter of my career.

As I bid farewell to my role at the library, I am grateful for the wealth of experiences, skills, and relationships it has afforded me. I am excited about the prospect of applying these lessons and insights in my future endeavors, carrying the spirit of the library with me wherever I go.

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh